Adventure Time Fan Ficton Wiki

The queen in a good mood.

Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum is the regent queen of the Candy Kingdom. She 828 years old and has created many living beings, but the most weren't very good.


She build an Time Machine, who replaces the futurer self of someone with the present one. She goes to a Royal Conference and tells Finn and Jake to not use it outside of emergencies, but they don't listen and get stuck in the future. (,,Time Machine")

While the two are in the future and she returns from the conference, she destroys the Time Machine believing the two are at the Tree Fort. (,,Lost in Time")

When Finn arrives home she disappointed by him, but is happy he's back. She also lets Jake rest his head on her lap. (,,Time Travel")

She called Fin to help her with ,,moving stuff and other boring things". (,,Flood")

Jake says that FP is acting as strange as PB did when she discovered that Finn was together with FP. (,,Blazing Mad")

